Toddler Left With Dead Sibling For 3 Days Before Mom Finally Returns

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An Innocent Toddler Passed Away Due To Starvation

In Kiev, Ukraine an innocent toddler passed away due to starvation.

The child was left alone with his two-year-old sister while their mother took off to go hang out with her boyfriend.

Vladislava Podchapko, 20, left her kids alone at home for 9 days.

She locked the house up before she took off, but failed to provide any source of childcare.

After 6 days, the youngest child died of starvation. The older child survived alone for three days with the dead body of her sibling.

A doctor involved in treating the girl said:

 “She was immediately taken into hospital where we started intravenous feeding. She is better now and we can say that she will live. We have started her on tiny amounts of solid food,”

The mother has been kept behind bars and is facing a lengthy stay in prison, but has pleaded ignorance.

She told police “I didn’t know that children could die,”

The accused is also believed to be pregnant again, from the boyfriend that she left the kids to be with.

Social workers will now decide where her oldest child will live.



    December 27, 2016 at 11:08 pm


  2. LaToya Rowell

    December 28, 2016 at 12:53 am

    This is sad but i would really take her how can i adopt her she would really love it here

  3. LaToya Rowell

    December 28, 2016 at 12:58 am

    This is a sad story but how do you go about adopt her she would really love it here please let me know

  4. Martha

    February 3, 2017 at 11:02 pm

    She is so cute and how sad> I hope and pray that she lives and goes to a nice family. Please let me know what happens? Reply

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