10-Year-Old Boy Invents Device To Prevent Hot Car Deaths

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A 10-year-old boy from Texas has invented a contraption which could eventually save the lives of children across the country.

What it does, is alert parents and keeps the child cool, if for some reason he or she were to be forgotten in a hot car.

Bishop Curry V heard about an infant who passed away after being left in a hot car in his area and then decided that something had to be done about it.

“I heard about babies dying in car seats and they could have grown up to be somebody important,” Curry said in an interview with Toyota. “It makes me pretty upset.”

The device works by detecting that a child has been left in the car and then blows cool air on the baby until someone arrives. The device also sends a text to parents and officials informing them that the child is in the hot car.

After seeing the idea drawn up, Bishop Curry IV (the boys Father) — an employee with the Toyota company —  thought he would pitch the invention to the company in the hope that they would like it enough to back up the idea.

Now Toyota executives and Curry V have now created a clay prototype and has launched a Go Fund Me page to help raise money for manufacturing the device.

What a smart kid!


  1. Rockie33

    February 8, 2017 at 5:20 pm

    This is great!!! Congrats to this young man and to his parents for raising such a compassionate person. However, the boy’s father works at Toyota. Toyota manufactures cars. Wouldn’t this be a great selling point for Toyota if they assisted this young man in the development and implementation of this device so they can then include this in their cars?

    Then this begs the question, why the Go Fund Me link? Surely, Toyota can afford to fund the entire project.

  2. Bonnie

    February 9, 2017 at 4:02 pm

    God bless Curry V for his idea and for the compassion he has to come up with the idea. I hope ALL the car companies will install this into EVERY car they sell. It should be mandatorily put into vehicles, just as seat belts are; both meant to protect lives.

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