Woman Beaten Up After Catching Mom Leaving Child In Hot Car

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Kelly Winfrey was stunned to find a toddler alone in a hot parked car. She called for help but in the meantime, she found herself fending off an angry mom.

The mother assaulted Winfrey and then smashed her vehicle with her car before she took off. “I don’t even leave my dogs in the car,” she said.

When I came out of the store I was strapping him in the car seat and through the window I could see a little hand creeping through the window next to me waving, so I waved back,” she said.

Winfrey looked inside the vehicle and realized that someone had left their baby trapped inside the vehicle that was getting hotter by the minute.

Before she called police, she waited, hoping that someone would come out, but she says it took nearly 15 minutes.

She’s like what’s up, he’s with me? I said ma ‘mm you have to be careful, she said this isn’t your business,” Winfrey said.  “He straight now he’s straight now – I said it is over 80 degrees out here, I said don’t do that ever again. She went nuts.”

Winfrey says that as she went to call police and take a picture of the woman’s license plate, the mother become aggressive.

“I went behind her car and pulled my phone out,” Winfrey said. “And she put her car in reverse and rammed my car. I put my car in park and I went to open the door and she came rushing over there. She snatched the door open, she grabbed my shirt.”

All of this happened while Kelly was on the phone with a 911 operator, but by the time police arrived – the woman fled.

The car with that specific license plate is reportedly registered to a house on Dale Street in Detroit.

Winfrey, who is now left with a damaged vehicle, is concerned that this woman may do this again. She filed a police report and made a complaint with child protective services – hoping that authorities get involved before it is too late

“If nothing else I hope this scares her so she never tries his again,” Winfrey said. “Hot, cold, spring, summer babies die every day like this.”

Let’s hope police and Child Protective Services pursue this case.

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