Toddler Fights For His life After Twin Sister Dies After Being Pulled Unconscious From Family Swimming Pool

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23-Month-Old Toddlers Pulled Unconscious From Pool At Their Family Home In Australia

A TODDLER who was dragged from a swimming pool along with her twin brother has died as her twin brother fights for life.

Twins Robbie and Charli, aged 23 months, were pulled unconscious from the pool at their family home last Tuesday.

Neighbours desperately tried to resuscitate the two, but the little girl Charli tragically died a while later.

The neighbours kept the pair alive by performing CPR until paramedics arrived after their Mom reportedly pulled them out of the water.

Neighbour, Michelle Skevington said she heard a scream over the fence and ran next door to help.

Police are still investigating how the children got into the pool but it is believed that the twins were out of the sight of their parents for a period of time.

Neighbours on the street are shocked and saddened by the incident.

One of the neighbours said:

“They’re such lovely neighbors and they’re very caring parents. It’s really sad,”

Police said the family’s pool fence seemed to be adequate and reminded parents to remain vigilant and watchful over their kids at all times.

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