Shocking! Ram Rahim Singh was caught having Sex With daughter Honeypreet: Reveals Son-in-law

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Shocking! Ram Rahim Singh was caught having Sex With daughter Honeypreet: Reveals Son-in-law

The citizens of our country have got divided yet again in name of blind faith. People have got injured, property has been destroyed after a Godman has been convicted for rape. We are talking about the much controversial Godman Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh who has been convicted for rape charges that were made a decade back. Not only rape, but he has allegations for heinous crime of murder and conspiracy too.

With all the mysteries getting unfolded, the case is getting more controversial now. The latest developments on the case are more shocking. A report has surfaced the headlines claiming that the Godman turned actor and producer had sexual relations with his adopted daughter Honeypreet.

And what you give you more shockers is that the claim is made by none other than Ram Rahim’s own son-in-law, Vishwas Gupta.

Let’s know the case in detail:

Ram Rahim adopted Honeypreet in 2009:

According to Hindustan Times, Honeypreet complained to Ram Rahim that her in-laws were pressurizing her for dowry. After this, he adopted her as his daughter in year 2009 and made Vishwas his son-in-law which gave a big boost to his business.

Honeypreet’s real name was Priyanka. She was given her present name after the dera chief got her married to Vishwas Gupta in 1999. Vishwas too was a sincere Dera follower from Sirsa.

Things turned sour between Ram Rahim and Vishwas:

Vishwas was enjoyed good treatment by rest of the Dera followers as he was Guru’s son-in-law. But sooner, things turned sour between both after he realised the evil intentions of Ram Rahim. He came to know about the illegitimate relationship of Ram Rahim and his daughter Honeypreet. He infact got the feel that the Dera Chief intentionally adopted Honeypreet as his daughter, so that people could not suspect their secret relationship.

The night that turned Vishwas’ world upside-down:
night of May 2011 turned Vishwas’ world upside down after he saw something horrible. He went to Ram Rahim’s bedroom whose door was mistakenly left open. He saw Rahim Singh lying in an objectionable position with his so-called daughter.

After the face-off, Ram Rahim threatened to kill him if he doesn’t keep quiet. Vishwas knew the powerful status of his father-in-law, so, he along with his family left the Dera and started living in a rented house in Panchkula. But he got regular threats from the Dera Chief.

Vishwas’ Wife Used To Stay In Ram Rahim’s Room:

Vishwas questioned that if Baba really considered Priyanka her daughter then why he was keeping her away from her husband. He reveals that when they used to stay at hotels, Baba would send him in a separate room while keeping Honeypreet in his own room.

Gupta and Rahim face-off:

In 2011, Vishwas filed a petition in the High Court in which he had claimed that the Dera chief Ram Rahim Singh had an alleged sexual relation with his wife Honeypreet. And therefore, he seeked the court for the custody of his wife. On October 5, 2011, India TV reported the incident in detail.

A web-portal Jansatta, was quoted as saying, “Vishwas Gupta told India TV in 2011 that in May 2011, when he went to Baba’s cave in the diner, he saw his life changed. Faith told that the door to Baba’s room was accidentally open. When he winked inside, he saw that Baba was in an objectionable condition with his wife and his daughter-in-law, Honeypreet.”

Even today, Honeypreet stays at the Dera, and not with her husband.

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