Parents Drag Their Kids To McDonald’s To Apologise After They Spit At Manager

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Things had already been pretty crappy at one particular UK branch of McDonald’s, but things got even worse lately. A group of ten teens reportedly hurled verbal abuse – and even spat at a manager there.

Anti-social behaviour was already a problem at the store, in Middleton town centre in Greater Manchester.

As a result, a member of staff had taken to wearing a body camera, which captured the shocking scene as the teenagers ran rampage through the building, also throwing food and rubbish around.

The children are now being referred to the Youth Offending Team, who will work with them to help steer them away from crime.

Image credit: PA

But two of the kids could be cautioned for a public order offence and a common assault offence in relation to the spitting. Police officers have warned that anybody causing trouble in the town centre will be found and identified.

PC Ockwell said: “It’s a really positive result. The parents have been very supportive and there’s been no trouble since. It was nice that the parents got to see what their kids had been up to.

“If parents think their kids are part of anything like this, they should call them and get them out of there. They need to know that they will be identified.”

Do you think constant surveillance is the solution?

Let’s hope these kids have learned their lesson.


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