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A Natural C-Section – A New Birthing Technique

Moms who are medically required to have a caesarian (C-Section) birth often feel robbed of that bonding experience of a natural birth.
Soon, there may be another C-section option which will make a birth a lot closer to “natural”. A new study by a leading London hospital will introduce an option that will give Moms and their babies that “skin to skin” interaction.
The video below, taken at a hospital in London, shows the procedure for a “natural c-section”.
Warning: Contains graphic content.
Often referred to as the “natural C-section” or the “slow birth”, the procedure will be tested at the University College Hospital in Central London this coming Summer.
The process itself is much longer than the traditional C-section. After a small incision is made, Doctor’s ease the baby’s head out. The baby is then left to maneuver its shoulders out alone, which could take up to four minutes. The Mother is able to see all of this and can also get the chance to hold their baby while the umbilical cord is still attached.
A midwife consulting on this study, Belinda Green says,
“So many women say the bond with their baby is stronger after a skin-to-skin cesarean, and there is evidence to suggest it reduces a number of complications after birth. The demand for this type of birth continues to increase and I am constantly being contacted by women who want it.”
Of course this is a great option to have if you are forced to have a C-section, however it’s probably not something that all Mom’s would want to go through. It may just be a bit scary to watch. Some woman may just prefer to have everything happen behind a curtain.
If the trials are successful, the news of this alternative option will surely spread across the world.
In the US, a similar technique and term “family centered cesareans” is slowly becoming known. Anne Arundel Medical Center in Maryland recently made some changes at the hospital, after Dr. Marcus Penn agreed to give his patient Kristen Caminiti, the “family centered cesarean” she asked for.
Caminiti was alert and was able to watch the delivery of her son, while her husband recorded the event. With the umbilical cord still attached, the baby was placed right on Caminiti’s chest.
Some hospitals may offer small changes to the procedure to make it seem more like a birth rather than a surgery, but until there is scientific data and clinical studies behind this new birthing technique (like the study and trials the University College Hospital in London is conducting), many hospitals will be wary of altering their caesarian processes.
Alyssa Laube
May 24, 2016 at 3:11 am
Jessica Vargas
May 24, 2016 at 10:33 pm
This is awful! The poor baby! Doctor just twists & turn it’s head in unnatural & unnecessary positions. Shame on you!
May 26, 2016 at 9:10 am
I was thinking the same thing. Pulling him out by his head like that… terrible
May 24, 2016 at 11:56 pm
Hell no idc I wouldn’t want that for my baby,js that does not look very safe. He could’ve hurt him the way he pulled him out by his neck. Don’t think so I would snap if someone hurt my baby doctor or not.
May 27, 2016 at 1:50 am
I hated my c-section and how it was surgery and not ‘child birth’, but if that what was happening on the other side of the curtain, I am glad that I couldn’t see! That was disgusting how inconsiderate that doctor was to the baby and made Momma Bear instincts flair Why did they all then feel the need to stare at the baby as it cried and received no response?!
Benish Shahid
July 21, 2016 at 3:35 am
Meghan Wallis
July 21, 2016 at 3:57 am
My first c section birth I definitely felt robbed of getting to bond with my baby. I was so out of it, even hours after the fact. It still makes me sad, probably always will, when I think back to that day.
My second ceserean birth (tried for all natural vbac but daughter was to big), was incredible. I felt awesome during/after. And my doctor and nursing staff were aware the importance of a calm birthing atmosphere was important to me (I birthed in a small hospital so had the same doctor and a few of the same nursing staff as before). I got to tough and kiss and cuddle my daughter when we was just born. I am thankful I had a good outcome.
I looked into skin to skin prior to being in labor, the hospital was just not confident enough in it at the time. I hope this starts happening for new mothers!!
Lori Anderson
July 22, 2016 at 3:01 am
I’ll get right on it lol
Mayra Franco
July 22, 2016 at 6:35 am
Joanna Franco