Mother Finds Out The Cause Of Giant Blisters All Over Baby’s Feet

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A babysitter in Maryland has been arrested for heartlessly putting an infant’s feet inside a burning frying pan.

According to WSVN, 36-year-old Ismelda Ramos Mendoza of Bladensburg was arrested Monday on child abuse charges.

Authorities say that Mendoza did something unimaginable when the infant she was babysitting wouldn’t stop crying.

Investigators say the 6-month-old baby girl, kept crying while Mendoza was trying to make tortillas in a pan.

Frustrated with the infant’s crying, Mendoza reportedly lashed out, grabbed the crying baby and stuck her feet inside the burning pan.

According to the Associated Press, when the baby’s mother asked Mendoza about the burn marks on her baby’s feet, she actually pretended that she didn’t even know what had happened.

The baby’s mom reportedly called 911 and immediately reported the alleged abuse.

Investigators say that the baby girl was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital, where she was soon treated for second-degree burns all over her feet.

This shocking story has since shared on the WSVN Facebook page, where angry 200 commenters have spoken out against Mendoza’s disturbing actions.

A new Mom commented “I can’’s disgusting all I’m reading is caretakers doing horrible things to helpless innocent kids. I’m so thankful for my family being able to care for my infant son,” 

“Hey babysitters and childcare providers. If working around children upsets you then simply do NOT work around children,” another commenter wrote.

Some commenters were distraught that Mendoza actually thought that inflicting pain on the powerless baby would make her stop crying.

“So u [sic] can’t get the baby to stop crying so u [sic] conflict pain on the baby cause that will make them stop crying…seriously wth [sic] is wrong with people,” another commenter wrote.

“Yeah.. because burning a child’s foot with a frying pan will stop them from crying.. Terrible,” a woman added.

This horrific story has completely turned other parents off from hiring babysitters in general.

“I would’ve had more money and probably would’ve been more respected now, but I raised my children myself. Thank you God,” one mom wrote.

“Thats why i never trust no idiot taking care of my baby . Only his grandma…,” said another.


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