Kids Who’ve Outsmarted Their Kidnappers

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5. Erica Pratt


This brave girl was abducted outside her home and held prisoner in an abandoned house in Philadelphia for 23 hours.

As her kidnappers tried to arrange a ransom, she chewed at the tape around her hands and muddled her way through the dark basement until she found stairs that led up to a locked door. Erica kicked through the door and squeezed through a tiny hole. Immediately she screamed for help and neighbors called the police.



  1. Berta Borja

    August 12, 2016 at 6:06 am

    How could I get an ID for my daughter, she is 3 years old and I live in Sount Central of Los Angeles. I would like getting all that is needed to protect her.

    • Christine

      November 17, 2016 at 3:57 am

      Any local sheriff’s Department should ne able to do that for you and at no charge.

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