Kids Who’ve Outsmarted Their Kidnappers

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4.Willie Myrick


After being lured by some money lying on the ground, Willie was whisked up by a man and thrown into his car.

For nearly 3 hours, Willie sang out gospel songs – his kidnapper became so annoyed, he pulled the car over and kicked him out. He then ran to nearby houses, got help and was taken back to his family.



  1. Berta Borja

    August 12, 2016 at 6:06 am

    How could I get an ID for my daughter, she is 3 years old and I live in Sount Central of Los Angeles. I would like getting all that is needed to protect her.

    • Christine

      November 17, 2016 at 3:57 am

      Any local sheriff’s Department should ne able to do that for you and at no charge.

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