Dad And Doctors Both Speechless When Mom Gives Birth to White, Blond-Haired Baby

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Francis and Arlette Tshibangu were thrilled to welcome their newborn son into the world; however, the couple was left speechless once they saw their boy for the first time.

Francis and Arlette are both of African descent so it’s no wonder they were gobsmacked to see that their little baby boy had white skin and blond hair back in 2011.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, Francis Tshibangu said “My first thought was ‘Wow, is he really mine?’ I was too stunned to speak and I could see the doctors looking at each other, thinking the baby couldn’t be mine.”

Both Francis and Arlette seemed confused by their baby’s complexion and so too were the nurses who all looked perplexed. Nevertheless, Francis knew his wife had been faithful and that the baby was his. “Arlette and I looked at each other and smiled and I knew he was mine. When I bent down and kissed him I got a better look at his features and could see he looked just like me and Arlette. He has my nose and my wife’s lips,” Francis explains.

Arlette added that “The reaction in the operating theatre was one of shocked silence, myself included, I stared at Daniel with my eyes wide. The looks on the faces of the doctors and nurses said it all. Everyone was wondering why I had a white baby.”

After talking with the doctors, the parents were still left wondering about baby Daniel. Doctors confirmed he was not albino yet geneticists are unsure how this could have happened to the couple.

It is believed that Arlette’s great-great-great-grandmother also had a light-skinned child but Francis says “That was six generations ago and we don’t even know if that was true.”

Image: SM

Despite the initial confusion both Francis and Arlette instantly bonded with little Daniel. “When I looked at him all I felt was love,” the mother said. However, the couple’s main concern is for their son’s well-being and not the color of his skin. “Like any mom who has just given birth, my main concern was that he was healthy, which he is,” Arlette added.

Francis has said “To us, his skin color isn’t important. The most important thing is that we have a healthy little boy who we love very much.”

Although the couple is aware that they may be getting some sceptical looks from others about their baby’s paternity, they know Francis is Daniel’s father and that’s all that matters. “I know there will be some who say my wife has had an affair but I trust her completely and know that isn’t the case. Even if she’d had an affair with a white man, you would expect a mixed-race baby with black hair, not a white baby with soft blond hair like little Daniel.”

Francis finished by saying “All we can say is that Daniel is our miracle and, though we are shocked by his white skin, we feel very blessed. He’s beautiful.”



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