Close To 1,000 Ill With Norovirus At 32 Northern California Schools

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On Friday it was announced that nearly 1,000 students, teachers and staff in 32 schools across northern California’s Yolo County have contracted the gastrointestinal illness norovirus.

“Over 952 students, teachers and staff are sick with stomach cramps, vomiting and/or diarrhea in schools throughout Yolo County,” the county said in a press release.

These are the findings of the Yolo County Health & Human Services Agency.

“The number of sick people is increasing every day at a very alarming rate,” the release continues. “The outbreak has been identified and confirmed by specimen testing to be the norovirus which is highly contagious. norovirus commonly spreads through touching surfaces contaminated with the virus, close contact with someone who is infected or eating contaminated food or drink.”

Besides the public schools, the University of California, Davis, is also affected.

Dr. Ron Chapman, Yolo County’s Public Health Officer, is now urging residents to stay at home if there is any sign of illness such as stomach pain, fever, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.

People are also urged  to stay home for an additional 48 hours after symptoms are gone.




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