Mom Has Giant Sized Cyst In Womb While Pregnant

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When Francesca Tomlinson found out she was pregnant, she couldn’t wait to meet her unborn baby at her 12-week prenatal scan. Unfortunately, all the young mother could see on the screen was her little baby’s tiny hand. This is because baby Gracie-Jane was “hiding” under a huge football-sized cyst in Francesca’s womb.

The ovarian cyst which weighed almost 9 pounds, twisted around Francesca’s ovary twice. This caused her excruciating pain and tightness in her chest.

After a while, the cyst grew so large that Gracie-Jane had no room to move around. Francesca, was just 22 years old at the time of the pregnancy and was extremely terrified of losing her baby.

The cyst had been pressing on her diaphragm, but apparently, doctors just allowed it keep growing inside of her and did not suggest removing it.

Eventually, she had to be rushed to the hospital to have the cyst removed. Thankfully the fetus was unharmed, but Francesca lost her right ovary and fallopian tube in the process. Due to this, she was told she might never be able to have more children.

In May 2013, Gracie-Jane was born prematurely. Despite the fate that doctors warned of, Francesca fell pregnant again just six months after giving birth!

Despite the fate that doctors warned of, Francesca fell pregnant again just six months after giving birth!

When it was time to deliver her second baby, she insisted that the emergency rescue crew take her to a different hospital.

Four years later – Francesca was awarded funds in a damages settlement. Her argument was that a plan to manage the cyst should have been put in place by Doctors and it should have been drained in the early stages of her pregnancy to prevent complications later on.


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