2-Year-Old Girl Defends Her Choice Of Doll To Cashier

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A 2-year-old girl named Sophia was told she could pick out a prize for finishing her potty training! Sophia knew exactly what she wanted.

Along with her mother, Brandi Benner, they visited a Target near their South Carolina home, where Sophia spent 20 minutes looking at all the dolls in the toy aisle.

She kept going back to the doctor doll because, in her mind, she is already a doctor,” Benner said. “She loves giving checkups, and if you come in the house, she’ll tell you that’s the first thing you need.”

Sophia was so excited by her choice that she wouldn’t let go of her new doll until they reached the register to pay. The doll Sophia chose is black and Sophia is white…

Immediately it became an issue when a store cashier asked Sophia: Wouldn’t she rather have a doll that looked like her? According to her Mom, Sophia had a ready answer.

She does (look like me)!” the toddler responded. “She’s a doctor; I’m a doctor. She is a pretty girl; I am a pretty girl. See her pretty hair? See her stethoscope?”

Benner says that the TV cartoon “Doc McStuffins” taught Sophia the word “stethoscope.” She, however, credits Sophia for knowing what is important: The doll’s skin tone did not matter. To Sophia, she and the doll share the same aspirations!

Benner was reassured she didn’t have to defend her daughter’s choice and glad that Sophia wasn’t intimidated by the cashier’s question.

“If she was another child, that could have discouraged her,” Benner said.

Benner posted about their experience to her personal Facebook page. It’s been shared more than 140,000 times and attracted more than 19,000 comments since.

Most messages have been supportive messages from other mothers or people with similar experiences. There were a few negative ones which don’t bother her.

I just want to teach my kids love, and that’s included in my own actions,” Benner said, explaining why she doesn’t engage with the negative commenters.

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