Kids Safety Network

This Woman Just Met The Baby That She Saved When Shielding Pregnant Woman During Las Vegas Shooting

Last October, while people were just having a good time at an outdoor concert in Las Vegas, one of those concertgoers was Sue Ann Cornwell.

Her, along with over 800 other people had their lives literally changed in a split second when a shooter opened fire into the crowd.

58 people lost their lives, 800 more people were injured in the shooting.

This included men, women, women who were pregnant, and children.

The shooting was a tragedy that changed the course of the lives of those involved forever. And it also showed us all the helpers that we say we need to look for when something like this happens.

Its an unimaginable fear that would have been rushing through all those people.

Imagine trying to figure out what the best move is while not really having any time to even process what is happening.

The hysteria of people legitimately fearing for their lives is just unreal. And that’s the exact scene that these people had to go through.

One of the brave helpers in the crowd that day was 52-year-old festival-goer, Sue Ann Cornwell. She was a complete stranger to Miriam Lujan, who was also in the crowd during the gunfire. She was also 7 months pregnant.

During the active shooting, Sue Ann Cornwell shielded the pregnant Miriam Lujan with her own body to help keep her, and her baby, safe.

Reports say, Sue Ann Cornwell shielded Miriam Lujan with her own body and gave her her backpack to help cover her stomach.

Sue Ann Cornwell protected this stranger by physically shielding her with her own body.


In that time of panic where fight or flight kicks in, Sue Ann Cornwell did way more than that. Miraculously, both were unharmed during the shooting. The last time that they saw each other was when they were escaping the area through a fence.

The two had parted ways without exchanging information. But thanks to social media, they were able to connect with each other again.

Miriam really wanted to meet Sue Ann again to be able to introduce her to her son, Xander, the little one that she protected that day and helped to save. The 3 of them reunited at the Las Vegas Community Healing Garden — a place that Sue Ann often visits to honor her friend, Denise Burditis, who did not survive the shooting in Las Vegas that day.

According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Sue Ann Cornwell and Miriam reconnected thanks to a Facebook group which was set up to help survivors of that shooting reconnect.

“He’s already part of history, and he doesn’t even know it,” Sue Ann Cornwell said of little Xander. When she met him, she brought him some new toys and books.

“Out of all the ugly, here’s this child that survived. One day his mom is going to have a story to tell him.”

“I want him to remember the good moments. I want him to remember those people that did not make it and to remember that people will help strangers to survive,” Xander’s mom, Miriam said. “And if anything were to happen similar to him like that, I hope he would be able to do the same.”

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