Kids Safety Network

Woman “Feeling Suicidal” Jumps With 2-Year-Old

North Philadelphia Police say that a woman was “feeling suicidal” and jumped out of the second floor window carrying her 2-year-old son.

Neighbor, Danielle Dardan couldn’t believe her eyes that morning. Her neighbor had jumped out of the window of her home with her 2-year-old son on the 2000 block of Diamond Street in a suicide attempt.

“I just didn’t expect to see that. It’s bothering me right now. I feel kind of like. I don’t know,” she explained.

Dardan said that it all started when she saw her neighbor sitting on the window ledge with her kid. She tried to reach out.

Basically, I seen her basically dangling the baby out the window and I ran over there and got the baby from her,” she said.

Dardan says that she kept the baby and talked to the Mother for a while. She initially thought that the woman was feeling better until she saw the ambulances the following morning and the two were lying on the pavement.

His face and his head and stuff was bleeding. I didn’t want to look at him like that I didn’t want to see him like that,” she explained

Dardan said that she tried to let the distraught woman know she was there for her.

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