Kids Safety Network

WATCH: Shocking Video Shows Mother Demanding “White Doctor” Treat her son

A video of a woman demanding for her son to be seen by a “white doctor” at a walk-in clinic in Ontario, Canada has shocked the internet.

The four-minute argument was recorded by a patient in the waiting room at the Rapid Access to Medical Specialists Clinic on Sunday.

The video hears an employee explaining to the woman that a “white doctor” would not be available until 4 p.m. to see her child. To which the mother responds, “So you’re saying in the whole entire building there isn’t one white doctor? You’re telling me my kid has chest pains [and] he’s going to have to sit here until 4 o’clock. Can I see a doctor that’s white that doesn’t have brown teeth and speaks English?

Other patients chimed in, suggesting that the woman take her son to the hospital. She however refused and continued to demand to see a “white doctor.”

She is then heard saying, “Oh my God, what type of horrible country do I live in? My kid is sick. I want to see somebody else. Being white in this country, I should just shoot myself.”

A patient who appeared fed up with the situation confronted the woman, calling her actions racist. She is heard saying, “Your child clearly has more issues with you being his mother than him needing to see a doctor. You are extremely rude and racist. You want to talk about tacky people being in a hospital, maybe you should check yourself in.” 

The woman then answered by saying, “You’re brown, you’re all attacking me because I’m white.” 

Eventually, security escorted the woman out of the building. Police said a doctor treated the child.

Watch the video here:

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