Kids Safety Network

Walt Disney World Will Honor Memory of Toddler Killed by Alligator

A year after a 2-year-old boy was killed by an alligator while playing near a shoreline at a Disney resort, Walt Disney World has plans to honor his memory.

Lane Graves, will be remembered with a structure of a lighthouse that the company will add on its property, the Orlando Sentinel reports.

The lighthouse is the symbol of the Lane Thomas Foundation, which was established by Lane’s parents, Melissa and Matt Graves.

“To provide continued awareness of the foundation and its mission, we’ve commissioned an original sculpture of the lighthouse the foundation uses as a symbol of love and hope, to be installed on our property this summer,” George A. Kalogridis, president of Walt Disney World Resort, said in a statement.

Lane was playing in a foot of water in a lagoon nearby the Resort & Spa when the alligator attacked him.

The toddler’s father attempted to fight off the animal, suffering lacerations on his hand as a result, but could not save his son.

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