Neither he nor his mother could believe it.
Viral: Teen Cashier Buys Cop’s Dessert. When Couple Behind Cop Throws Fit, Teen Never Expects What’s Next
Have you ever done something that you thought was nice, but then got in trouble with it? Unfortunately when that does happen it could have a negative impact, making people hesitant to do nice things in the future.
One Texas teen would definitely think twice before doing an act of kindness in the future. What started out as a thoughtful gesture ended up with the teen running into some trouble.
Zack Randolph is an 18-year-old employee at Great American Cookies. When a police officer came by to pick up some dessert, Randolph had an idea.
Tami Kurtz Randolph posted:
UPDATE: For the first time since my post on July 5, the Company reached out to Zack on Wed July 12 to offer a verbal apology, offered to pay for the hours he was scheduled during the suspension, and hoped he would return to work. Zack returned the call and left a message asking if he could receive a written apology (for reference, if needed for future employment). He has not heard back from them or received a written statement at this time.
My Son works at Katy Mills Mall and on Sunday evening an on duty Police Officer walked up to the counter and placed his order. My son offered to pay for his cookie with his own money. The officer was grateful said thank you and walked away…..
The next family walked up and said “are you going to buy mine too?” My son replied with “I’m sorry I bought his because he is wearing a badge”…… then this customer started verbally attacking him, calling my son a racist, & threatened to beat him up. His wife threatened to go back there and slap him.. The middle aged man sat down his little daughter and tried to come behind the counter to attack him. Thankfully his coworker defused the situation. The man then said “I will get you fired”.
As soon as this man started the attack my son, he stepped back and walked away… he said very little to this man.
on Monday he received a text stating that he was to bring all of his “stuff” the next day for a meeting with his manager and upper manager.Tuesday he walks in with all his stuff. He was told the upper managers want him fired. Thankfully his manager refused and said you are an excellent worker and and everyone agreed that you did nothing wrong (The day before this situation he was offered a $2 an hour raise and management) He then started his normal scheduled shift. He worked 2-3 hours , when he was called into the back room where she had written him up. It says “he bought a cookie for a police officer and a customer wanted to physically fight him” it does state “if this happens again he will be terminated.” Then she stated after todays shift you will be on a 1 week suspension……. REALLY (he did finish off his shift)
Since when does buying a police officer a cookie give anyone else a reason to attack someone. And when did a Corporation want to FIRE someone for being KIND, taking what a customer said or did, regardless of how hateful they are.
Great American Cookie Company you FAILED on this one……
Thankfully my son said he would do it again in a heartbeat.
He told the officer that he wanted to pay for his treat, as a way of saying thanks for everything that he does. Randolph pulled out his wallet and paid the $2.75, not even taking advantage of the employee discount.
“He’s just a really nice guy and on top of that he has a badge,” he said. “That’s enough for me to buy him something. That’s the least I can do.”
Randolph was feeling good about what he had done until the next customers came up to the counter. The man and woman asked for free desserts and gave him a hard time because he’d extended his act of goodwill to the cop and not to them, too.
Randolph’s mother said that the couple was very confrontational. According to her, the man told her son, “You know you’re probably going to get fired.”
“He put his daughter down and came around to the side and was about to come back and come at me and thankfully my assistant manager and my co-worker stopped him,” said Randolph. The trouble didn’t end there, though.
The teen was written up and received a week-long suspension from work. Neither he nor his mother could believe it.
Randolph’s mom, Tami, posted about the incident on Facebook. People were outraged at the story, and demanded justice.
It wasn’t long before the company issued an apology for their uncalled-for actions. The suspension was revoked, and they admitted that Randolph was right.
It is unfortunate that this incident occurred when a teen was just trying to show his respect for the law enforcement. “A lot of people I know my age don’t support police officers. I don’t think it’s fair,” said Randolph.
It’s difficult to understand how some people can be so selfish and unkind, but we’re happy this young man was recognized for his graciousness. Keep being a light!
“I think it’s a very, very cute idea…”
Viral: After Family Has First Baby Girl in 137 Years, Dad Can’t Believe What’s Plastered on Highway Billboard
The chances of giving birth to a boy or a girl is generally split 50/50. That’s why when the Setter family of Bluffton, South Carolina finally broke an uncanny 137-year-old streak of only boys, their friends had to do something extraordinary to mark the occasion.
“I just assumed I was going to have another boy,” said Kelen Settle, who already had three sons. When she opened a surprise box and pink balloons floated out, she was left speechless.
Kelen Settle’s husband, Will Settle, came from four generations of male-only children. Knowing their daughter would be a bit outnumbered, they decided to give her a fitting name.
“She’s going to have to be strong with all the men she’ll deal with in the Settle family,” said Will Settle. They chose the name “Carter” for the baby girl because it’s a “really strong name” that “you don’t hear every day.”
Kelen Carlock Settle posted: @arobach Little Carter says thank you for the well wishes 💝 we love watching each morning!
A few days after Carter Settle was born, Will Settle got a call from a coworker telling him there was another surprise waiting for him on a highway. Wondering what his friends might have been up to, Settle set out to find what further shock lay in store for him.
Settle, the director of sales for Marlin Outdoor Advertising shared with ABC News that, “The owner of the company said, ‘There’s a surprise for you between Bluffton and Savannah.’” Once he arrived, he couldn’t believe what he saw right on the side of the road: a giant pink billboard with his baby daughter’s face on it.
The 12-foot-tall and 24-foot-wide billboard read, “Welcome to the world Carter Louise Settle.” Will Settle had already received at least 15 calls and texts from other people who had driven past the conspicuous birth announcement.
“When I first saw it, it was an ‘Oh my God’ moment,” said Will Settle. “It is so pink [and] so large. It’s pretty obnoxious, I hate to say. It is so in your face, you wouldn’t believe it.”
“It’s just eye-catching,” said Ashley Fields, a resident whose home is located right next to the billboard. “That face: she is cute. And that name!”
Although shocked by the pink spectacle, Will Settle thanked his friends publicly for honoring his daughter. Will Settle shared a joke that his friend had made about the billboard: “What a great way to keep it low key,” he had said sarcastically.
“I think it’s a very, very cute idea,” said Kelen Settle, “and it’s going to be a fun story for her. It’s exciting.” Carter Settle is no ordinary girl, and so it was only fitting that she would receive a grand welcome.
This sign might just be the most memorable of the 900 billboards that Marlin has throughout Georgia and South Carolina. “If there’s a number two we’re going to have do a bigger billboard,” Will Settle joked.
Will and Kelen Settle broke a long-standing family tradition and made everyone all the more happy. And now every day Will Settle could enjoy seeing his daughter’s name and face while driving to work.