Kids Safety Network

Toddler Left In Hot Car For 2 Hours

Authorities in Garden City, Kansas, say that a 2-year-old boy suffered extreme heat exposure after he was left in a hot car.

Officers were called just before 4 p.m. on Sunday, to the report of a child in need of care at St. Catherine Hospital. A statement from police says the toddler was left in the hot car for about two hours.

The family had gone to church at 1 p.m. when the boy had fallen asleep in the vehicle.

“When the family arrived at church the mother exited the car with three of four children and went into the church,” the news release says. “The mother and father both believed that the other had taken the child from the vehicle.”

The 2-year-old was believed to be in Sunday school with the other kids while the parents went to church services.

When the child did not come out of Sunday school, the parents began to look for him and found him unresponsive in the car. By the time the boy was found, the National Weather Service reports the temperature reached 92 degrees.

At 90 degrees, the temperature inside the car would reach around 135 in an hour.

The boy was taken to St. Catherine Hospital, was stabilized and then transported to Wesley Medical Center in Wichita.

No other details are available at this stage.

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