Kids Safety Network

Toddler In Intensive Care After Brutally Beaten by Her Babysitter

Any form of physical punishment or any kind of violence towards children is completely unacceptable. This is how most people think – but it’s sadly not always the case.

Parenting isn’t easy, but you should be able to communicate with your child to explain to them the difference between right and wrong.

There are however still people out there that think disciplining kids with physical force is an easier and effective way to get your point across.

Kids will try and test you until you lose your very last ounce of patience but do you think a child should ever get physically beaten for not following the rules? Of course not!

But that’s exactly what happened in this case.

And you’ll never guess who the person was behind the punishment.

According to The Daily Mail, a 2-year-old toddler in California is suffering from severe brain injuries after her 16-year-old babysitter brutally ‘disciplined’ her simply because she snuck a piece of candy.

Gia Faye, 2, was supposed to be asleep in her Brownsville, California, home when she was playing with a toy. Her babysitter, a teenage boy known to the family, took the toy from her and left the room.

When he got back, she had taken a piece of candy.

After Gia’s 16-year-old babysitter called 911, medical personnel then discovered the unconscious toddler with suspicious injuries. Local sheriff’s deputies were then called to the home.

There, they arrested the 16-year-old on suspicion of felony child abuse as well as an outstanding warrant out of Sacramento County.

He has confessed to slamming her against the wall for allegedly sneaking candy and there was a significant time laps [sic] from when he called me and I called 911 to when he called 911,” Gia’s mother, Jessica Lamar, wrote on GoFundMe. “My 5 year old saw and said he was stricking [sic] her with a towel tryin [sic] to wake her up.”

The mother also said that the young boy was always a “good kid” who was good with kids who just happened to make a mistake.

I know that there are wonderful people out there who will take care of your kids with the same love and care that you give them every day but when it comes to my own two kids, I don’t want to take a chance.

That’s probably why we hardly ever have date nights and movie nights to stay home with them then leave them with someone I simply wouldn’t fully trust.


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