Kids Safety Network

Toddler Falls Down Well Then Grandfather Jumps In To Save Him

A Texas toddler has been rescued by his grandfather after falling 30 feet into a private well in the town of Van.

Firefighters were called out to the property on Saturday morning after a cover over the water well crumbled and the boy fell in, they said.

“Fortunately his grandfather was nearby,” the Van Fire Department says in a Facebook post. “This brave citizen went down into the well after the boy, and was able to get him out.”

Both the boy and his grandfather were fine when rescue crews arrived.

Although neither of them suffered any serious injuries, fire officials noted the danger of such heroics.

“Please don’t attempt self rescue,” the post adds. “Bad air, crumbling walls, and the inability to get out only compounds the difficulty for the rescuers if you add another victim.”


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