Kids Safety Network

Toddler Dies After Parents Leave Him In Hot Car In Las Vegas

A toddler has died after being left in a hot car in Las Vegas— yet another addition to the growing list of hot-car deaths, despite the numerous police warnings.

The boy has reportedly been identified as Chase Lee from Fillmore, Utah.

The official cause of death remains pending, as a toxicology report is still in progress.

The 3-year-old boy was found on Saturday, July 15 in the afternoon around 4:50 pm in a car at the hotel Grandview in Las Vegas.

Police say that he was found suffering from heat-related injuries after being left in a car by his parents.

Temperatures reached 113 degress on that day in Las Vegas. Temperatures inside a hot car with closed windows can reach up to 170 degrees say Police.

Lt. Roger Price from the Las Vegas Metro Police Special Victims unit said that the parents of the boy left him in the car for over an hour, inside the hotel’s parking lot.

When the parents eventually realized they had left the boy behind, it was already too late.

Authorities say it appeared that the boy was part of a family reunion involving relatives from all over the country and in the midst of the reunion with so many relatives and children, the boy was forgotten.

There were reportedly around 12 children who were at the gathering.

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