Kids Safety Network

Toddler Dies After Dresser Falls On Him

In Lakeland, Fla. Polk County Sheriff’s Office responded to a call about an unresponsive two-year-old on Sunday.

The little boy, Conner DeLong, was found by his mother that morning underneath a dresser that had fallen over.

The Mother says that she last check on him and his brother in their shared bedroom at 11:30 p.m. the night before, and both were sleeping in their cribs.

She heard Conner’s voice approximately 5 minutes before going into his room and found him underneath the fallen dresser, unresponsive.

The mother told deputies that over the past week, Conner had been taking the baby monitor off the top of the dresser, so she moved it to the window sill behind the dresser.

She said he gets out of his crib on his own and it is believed that on this particular morning, he got out of his crib and was attempting to climb up on the dresser to get to the baby monitor on the window sill behind it when the dresser fell on him.

Conner died on Monday at St. Joseph Children’s Hospital.

An autopsy revealed that the cause of death was determined to be mechanical asphysxia, and the manner of death was ruled accidental.


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