Kids Safety Network

Three-Week-Old Baby Shot & Killed As Dad Takes Him Out Of Carseat

A 3-week-old infant has died after his family was shot at in Las Vegas.

The gunman (or gunmen) is still on the loose.

According to Fox San Antonio, baby Marcus Thomas Jr. was in his family’s car on Saturday night, parked outside of an apartment complex in North Las Vegas. Someone started shooting at the car for some reason and the infant was caught in the crossfire. He died of multiple gunshot wounds, according to the Clark County Coroner’s Office.

A relative said that little Marcus was shot as his father was taking him out of his car seat.

His dad was taking [the baby] out of the car seat when these cowards came and shot the car up,” says Ava Loftis, Marcus’s cousin.

It is not clear if the shooting was random or targeted.Marcus’s father was shot 4 times but is expected to survive. He, or possibly another family member, attempted to drive the car to the hospital but crashed into another vehicle. There were 2 other kids (Marcus’s siblings) in the car who were unharmed.

It’s tearing me up,” Loftis said “I can’t even sleep because I keep seeing this innocent itty bitty baby that couldn’t do nothing to nobody and he’s dead for no reason.”

Police are still investigating and searching for suspects.

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