Kids Safety Network

A Simple Ear Infection Turned Out To Be Something Deadly For This Baby

Australians, Josh Roberts and Katelyn Galea were ecstatic when their baby boy Archie was born in July. He was healthy and just perfect. Suddenly, Archie fell ill…

Doctors first told the new parents that it was a simple ear infection which can be treated quite easily. However, once they got home, Archie’s condition got worse. His lips turned grey and then his fingers did too. A rash developed on his chest and when his parents saw what was happening, they immediately drove him to the nearest hospital.

His lips turned grey and then his fingers did too. A rash developed on his chest and when his parents saw what was happening, they immediately drove him to the nearest hospital.

Once Doctors saw that Archie was turning grey, they immediately knew what it was. Archie had a potentially fatal meningococcal infection – a bacterial disease which can be fatal if untreated.

He was immediately hospitalized and put on a ventilator. Archie received a blood transfusion and had to be treated with antibiotics.

Archie’s dad wrote on Facebook:

This is something you only read about in the paper or see in the news. You would never expect it to hit someone so healthy and so happy. This is one of the hardest times I have ever had to deal with. I have never ever loved something, someone with such passion and love. It doesn’t matter if you are the toughest person on this planet walking into that hospital room and seeing you like this rips me apart.”

Archie was thankfully able to overcome the deadly disease. Once he was stabilized, he was taken off of life-support and then spent a number of months in the hospital recovering.

What’s important to know is that bacterial meningitis spreads from person to person, but some strains of the disease may be contracted from a surface.

Remember that when allowing your children to ride on shopping carts, make sure the surface is clean by wiping every part of the cart with antibacterial wipes. You could also put a blanket on the seat before letting your children sit on it.

Also make sure that you clean your hands thoroughly before handling your little ones. Please share to raise awareness!

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