Kids Safety Network

This Popular Kids Party Activity May Have Horrible Side Effects

It’s Summertime and the kiddie outdoor birthday parties are probably lining up.

There is a dangerous side effect to a popular party activity which is probably unheard of BUT every parent should know about it.

Brenda Sanderson’s two kids were at a party last summer where the yard was filled with fun outside activities – one being a bouncy house. The kids were having lots of – what they thought was harmless fun.

A couple of days later, Sanderson began to notice some weird looking sores on her 10-year-old son. She thought the marks were burns from the plastic in the bouncy house, however, they decided to go to the doctor just to be safe.

After a few days of the infection becoming worse, the parents decided to go to the doctor. The sores were growing and oozing by this time, and the doctor confirmed that the boy had contracted a staph infection.

Staph infections may turn deadly if the bacteria invade deeper into your body, entering your bloodstream, joints, bones, lungs or heart.

Symptoms of the infection may include an area of red, irritated or painful skin, Pus-filled blisters and Fever.

Fox 25 News actually done some investigating on how a bouncy house can cause some harm. They found that “The state does inspect bouncy houses, but more to make sure they are working properly and for safety rather than cleanliness.”

The doctor who diagnosed the boy said, “[The bouncy house] is like a wrestling mat. Staph infections come from a gym or something that’s not being washed or cleansed properly will start to create bacteria.”


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