Kids Safety Network

This Mother Recorded Herself Torturing Her One-Year-Old Son

A woman from Houston accused of placing a plastic bag over the head of her 1-year-old son and also sending a video of the abuse to relatives appeared in court on Monday.

The 23-year-old woman, Jamelle Peterkin, was charged with endangering a child. Peterkin allegedly abused the child because she was upset that his father had a new girlfriend.

The boy’s aunt, Ra’Neicha Broadnax, said in recent days she received videos and pictures from Peterkin showing the child being slapped and having a lighter held to his fingers.

Broadnax said she began receiving the messages on April 13 and that Peterkin indicated she was angry about the father’s new girlfriend.

The video shows the toddler experiencing difficulty breathing as ‘an adult hand was seen stuffing a plastic bag’ into his mouth. Police also saw a photo of the boy ‘with a plastic bag over his head’ tied in a knot.

The text message she sent accompanying the photo read: ‘Sad that he pressed to cheat after he just begged me to be his girlfriend.  That’s okay. We can keep playing. Let’s see how bad y’all wanna be together.

This evidence of the abuse was sent to her ex-boyfriend.

Records show that Peterkin also placed a plastic bag in the child’s mouth.

The woman was released on $15,000 bond and must stay at least 200 feet away from her son, a Houston judge has ruled.

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