Kids Safety Network

Teacher Brutally Attacked By Former Pupil

A teacher in the UK was attacked with such force by a former pupil of his, that a surgeon compared his facial injuries to ‘crushed corn flakes’.

Christian Dawson, 40, was left blind for 24 hours after Lucas Mikoliunas violently assaulted him as he walked home after an evening out with friends.

The Hull Youth Court heard the teenager who is now 18, rained blows upon Mr Dawson leaving him with a crushed nose and shattered cheekbones and eye sockets.

Dawson also required his jaw to be realigned after the attack, which left his brain ‘marked’.

The teacher needed complex surgery to repair his eye sockets and surgeons warned him there was a chance he could wake up blind.

Dawson believes that he was attacked simply because Mikoliunas recognised him as a teacher.

Dawson said: ‘My jaw had been sheared off, I can still remember my surgeon’s exact words. He said my bones were like a packet of cornflakes that had been stamped on.’

The teacher had spent the evening of March 17 this year, drinking with a group of friends and was walking through Hull City Centre alone shortly after 2am, when he was approached by Mikoliunas.

Dawson reportedly taught Mikoliunas at Sirius Academy West, where he was employed for several years until 2015.

He said Mikoliunas had ‘squandered’ his schooldays.

The Court heard Dawson and his attacker had exchanged glances in Khan Pizza, a takeaway earlier in the night, however no words had been exchanged.

A short while later, he was attacked as he made his way home.

Dawson now works at the Sirius Academy North in Orchard Park, Hull, following a promotion.

During the attack, the teacher recognised Mikoliunas and contacted former colleagues with a description of the teen.

He later found Mikoliunas on Facebook and passed the information on to police, and then attended an identity parade and identified Mikoliunas as the person who attacked him.

Mikoliunas denied any physical contact had taken place between him and Mr Dawson but he was convicted of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm following a one-day trial.

Mikoliunas was granted bail and told he may be sentenced at crown court, however he will attend Hull Youth Court on July 25 for a probation report to be produced.

Speaking after the hearing, Mr Dawson said: ‘This is a young man who has made some awful choices.

‘He’s pleaded not guilty which hasn’t done him any favours and dragged me through the court proceedings.He [Mikoliunas] should get a custodial sentence, but I just feel empty inside. I just want to go to work and get on with my life.’

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