Kids Safety Network

Suicide Rate Among Teen Girls At All-Time High Says CDC report

A startling report issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says suicides among teenage girls have spiked to an all-time high.

The data shows that the suicide rate doubled between 2007 and 2015 for girls between the ages of 15 and 19 – and it tripled between girls aged 12 to 14.

Shelley Leaphart-Williams a member of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, says adults should not turn a blind eye to a cry for help.

“If they’re talking about death, dying, depression, anxiety,” Leaphart-Williams said. “Ask the hard question. Ask your child, ‘Are you struggling? Do you feel like life would be better without you? Do you have thoughts of suicide?'”

If you would like more information on suicide prevention programs, you can call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) 

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