Kids Safety Network

Suburban Schools Ban Popular Fidget Spinners

A compact three-pronged toy which spins is the latest trend hitting classrooms across the country.

Advocates say that it prevents fidgeting by keeping hands occupied and that it promotes focus and concentration, but some school administrators are reportedly banning the device. They say it in fact has the opposite effect and become more of a distraction.

There seems to be a surprising benefit to these toys in class in regards to perhaps some sensory benefit that they offer kids,” said Dr. Louis Kraus, chief of adolescent and child psychology at Rush University Medical Center.

The toys are becoming increasingly popular, and is among the hottest items to be sold on Amazon as YouTube tutorial videos reach millions of views.

The fidget spinners are so popular they have to be kept behind the counter, says the owner at Learning Express Toy Store, 

“We get a lot of calls all day,” said owner Laurie Kherani. “’Do you have spinners in stock? Do you have spinners in stock?’ You know, ‘Thank goodness, we can’t find them anywhere.’ So yeah, it’s been great.”

School administrators say that the toy is also invading the classroom, with some claiming it is converting focus into distraction and schools in Downers Grove and Evanston have already banned the devices in the classroom.

Even though there may be evidence that the toys could be helpful to some students in the classroom, some experts say more research is still necessary.

“Anything that might be a benefit for kids that could be as simple as this would be wonderful, but let’s understand it and make sure that it’s helpful and perhaps not a distraction,” Kraus said.

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