Kids Safety Network

Students Detained After Single Beer Can Found at High School Football Game

An Entire Student Section Gets Detained After Single Beer Can Found at High School Football Game

Can you remember the incident when the entire student body at a Georgia high school was searched prior to entering the building a few months ago?

Many parents, myself included, would have been so furious if our children had been searched for no good reason. However, how would you feel if there was a very silly reason for the search? What if the sheriff had smelled pot in a given classroom and ordered testing for all of the students at the school? Would that make it any better?

The same is the case for a number of New Jersey parents who’s children faced similar treatment.

Parents of high school teenagers were completely outraged last weekend after dozens of their children were ordered to undergo forced blood and alcohol tests after officials found a beer can under the stadium during a football game. As the parents tried to refuse the tests, they were told that their children would be suspended for non-compliance.

School officials are now claiming that the forced blood and urine samples, taken under the threat of suspension, were done in the name of child safety.

According to a letter from Randolph Superintendent Jennifer Fano, the school has been charged with enforcing the policy of mass drug tests for suspicion of drug or alcohol use among students.

“The law requires that we send students out to be tested when it appears that they may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Given the events in question, the students in this area of the stadium were brought in to the school, separated into classrooms, and parents were contacted to pick their child up and have them screened. District policy and regulation states that failure to comply with a screening is deemed a positive test result and will result in a suspension from school.”

After the can of beer was found, about 75 students were taken from the game and detained in classrooms where their parents were contacted and told they must comply with the tests. Non-compliance meant that the student would be automatically assumed guilty and face the consequences of a crime that they may or may not have actually committed.

A total number of five students were reportedly found to have consumed the alcohol.

There is no doubt that lawyers are being called as parents look at legal options for this horrible invasion of their children’s privacy, however, the courts seem to favor schools in these circumstances, and that’s an issue here.

Behavior such as this becomes a kind of indoctrination of both parents and students. It conditions the students to simply just believe that they have no rights. When you believe you have no rights, you see no problem when taking away the rights of others. This is probably a reason why so many of the younger people believe you don’t have a right to say what you wish or to own a firearm.

What are your thoughts on this?

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