Kids Safety Network

Stepmother Arrested For Burning Toddler With Hot Water

It’s hard to believe that anyone can intentionally hurt a child, yet it happens every day.

A stepmother in Phoenix was arrested last week, for allegedly burning her stepson with hot water.

According to court records obtained by 3TV/CBS 5, Sarah Alaniz placed the 2-year-old boy’s hand in scalding water, causing deep partial tissue burns.

The court documents state that the incident took place on Aug. 15 when the boy’s father arrived home and noticed blistering on his hand. Alaniz and the father took the child to the hospital where he was treated for the burn.

Police interviewed Alaniz at the hospital and she initially said that she did not know how his hand became blistered.

Alaniz later said to police that she was washing the victim’s hand because she saw a cut near his cuticle. Alaniz said she thought the water was just warm.

Doctors at the hospital said that the burn was caused either by his hand being immersed in hot water or placed under running hot water. The victim was taken to the burn unit on Aug. 21 and Alaniz was interviewed again at the hospital.

Police say that Alaniz changed the details of her original story, saying that the burn was probably caused by an electrical outlet or that maybe the boy placed his own hand under running hot water.

Court documents state that Alaniz denied ever seeing or hearing the water running or hearing the victim cry. Investigators then told Alaniz that the burn had to have been caused by hot water and she then stated that she actually was washing the victim’s hand and that he cried, saying it hurt.

Alaniz went on to say that she didn’t realize just how hot the water was and that it was all an accident and she was just trying to wash the child’s hand.

Court documents state that investigators obtained water temperature readings from the residence and the max temperature reached in the sink used was over 130 degrees.

Alaniz has been charged with one count of child abuse.

In a similar case, A Mom was charged earlier this year in West Jordan, Utah after she intentionally poured scalding water onto her daughter’s hands. The one-year-old girl suffered third-degree burns.

22-year-old Diana Amador, was charged in the 3rd District Court on March 14 with one count of child abuse. A probable cause statement mentioned that Amador became frustrated with her daughter and “intentionally poured scalding hot water on [her] hands.”

Officer Scott List of the West Jordan Police Department said that the water was apparently being prepared for a pot of coffee.

She grabbed the 20-month-old, put her over the kitchen sink, then poured the coffee over the baby’s hand,” the Officer said.

Amador was booked into jail on the 28th of February. Following this case, List urges parents to take a moment before deciding how to disciplining a child.

Don’t punish in the heat of the moment,” he said. “Take a break. Breathe for a minute. Do what you need to to calm down, then deal with your child”

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