Kids Safety Network

Social Media Photo Of Toddler Holding Gun Being Investigated

A photo that was posted on social media that shows a child holding a handgun is being investigated by Police.

A concerned local reported a picture that someone texted him that shows a male holding a child who was holding a handgun, to the Wentworth District offices,

The text message also indicated that the photo was shared on social media.

Community activist, Andrew Holmes said that somebody showed him the photo and he reported it to police the next day.

“We just lost a 3-year-old boy last week who had his hands on a gun,” Holmes said. “We’re supposed to be leaders and try to keep guns out of children’s hands, yet here she is with her hands on the trigger.” 

Police said that it is unknown whether the gun is a real firearm or a replica or whether the photo was even taken in Chicago.

The incident is under police investigation.

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