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Shocking Moment That Oprah Winfrey Takes A Tumble On Stage

Shocking moment that Oprah Winfrey takes a tumble on stage in the middle of a speech about the importance of BALANCE and healthy living

The moment Oprah Winfrey crashes to the ground in front of a crowd of shocked fans as she spoke about ‘balance’ can be seen in a video of her talk on wellness in Los Angeles.

The TV star, 66, is seen delivering her speech on Saturday during her ‘Oprah’s 2020 Vision: Your Life in Focus’ tour in California.

‘Here’s my definition of what wellness means to me…,’ she says as she strolls down the stage.

‘Wellness to me means all things in balance. And balance doesn’t mean all things are equal or at peace at all times.’

After she delivers the line the crowd is heard gasping as she loses her footing and falls to the floor.

As she recovers her composure the talk show host blames her heels for the fall, quipping: ‘Wrong shoes!’

A stage worker rushes on stage to assist Winfrey as the audience applauds.

‘Thank you so much,’ she says.

Winfrey went on to carry out a portion of the show barefoot before putting on a more sensible pair of shoes.

Oprah Winfrey at her ‘Oprah’s 2020 Vision: Your Life in Focus’ tour on Saturday. ‘Balance doesn’t mean all things are equal or at peace at all times,’ the TV star says before crashing to the ground

Jennifer Lopez, who was a guest star at Oprah’s event, herself suffered a fall during a performance in 2018. Like Winfrey, she got back up and resumed the show

After resuming her speech she jokes: ‘It’s nice to be talking about balance and fall.’

In the tour on wellness, the motivational speaker tries to inspire attendees to live healthier lifestyles.

Her tour features guest appearances from stars including Lady Gaga, Michelle Obama, Jennifer Lopez and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.

In 2018 Lopez also suffered a fall during a performance in Las Vegas. Like Winfrey, the pop star got back on her feet and resumed the show.

The talk show host had been delivering her motivational speech at The Forum in Los Angeles, California

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