Kids Safety Network

Serena Williams Says She’s Not Leaving Her Baby For Even a Day Until She’s 18

Serena Williams has been in the public eye for a very long time due to her awesome tennis career, but these days, her main focus isn’t tennis — it’s her daughter, 6-month-old daughter Alexis Olympia. 

The Mother has made it clear via her social media accounts that while she’s experienced some typical parenting struggles (like trying to compete in the Olympic sport of stroller opening and closing), she’s literally “obsessed” with her daughter. 

Although tennis is still a top priority to her, she makes sure to finagle her schedule so that she can spend the maximum amount of time with Olympia.

“I have a ton of help from my mom, my sisters — a lot of people help,” she recently told POPSUGAR scarring. “I haven’t been away from her; but when I am I don’t do well, she doesn’t do well, she gets irritated, I get irritated, I get emotional. I need to be around her, so I schedule my days making sure I can spend the maximum time with her possible.”

But not having paid childcare and still being able to be a working mother is something Serena knows is a luxury. “I’m fortunate enough to have a job where I can do that,” she said. 

“For me, that’s super important. And I know not everyone has that position or has that opportunity, but I feel super fortunate that I do, and I don’t want to take it for granted. We’ve been together every day [since her birth].”

When asked how she feels about potentially being away from Olympia in the future, whether for a baby-free vacation or a work commitment, the mom made it very clear in the most hilarious way that she doesn’t see that happening . . . for a while.

“Yeah, absolutely, I feel great [about spending time away from her]. I feel like when she’s 18, at college, it’ll be hard for me, but I’ll manage. Hopefully she’ll have a brother or a sister and they’ll still be around.” She added, laughing: “I’m so serious.”

Featured Image: Instagram

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