Kids Safety Network

Secret sexting codes you need to know to protect your child – do you know what LMIRL means?

Secret sexting codes you need to know to protect your child – do you know what LMIRL means?

With so much interaction done online, it’s increasingly tricky to know when your child is potentially in danger .

The line between trusting your child (and respecting their privacy) and policing them out of concern is a fine one for parents to tread.

The online world is perpetually changing, and it can be difficult to be alert to which mediums are used and what exactly is going on.

To help worried parents, the Police Service of Northern Ireland have elected to post an American style graphic sexting dictionary on Facebook for parents to familiarise themselves with online talk.

It is a decision which the PSNI have also had to defend.

The police in Newry and Mourne asked parents on Facebook: Do you understand text talk?

The page of abbreviations is as alarming as it eye-opening.

Ranging from salacious come-ons to disturbing orders to “kill yourself” it gives a sometimes uncomfortable glimpse into what happen online.

PSNI defend posting at-a-glance sexting dictionary for clueless parents

Presumably more in-the-know, young readers have pointed out the urban tech dictionary is not current.

A spokesman for Newry and Mourne PSNI, said: “As a follow up to the text talk post just to clarify that this was an American resource and indeed some of the codes may not be being used here but it is something to be aware off if you see cryptic messages on your kids devices.

“Also prevention is better than cure so speak to your kids about their online activity, what they are using and respect the age limits of social media platforms – is it proper to set up a kid with a Facebook account at eight years old?

“What is an appropriate age to give your child a smart phone or device and data or wifi access?

“There are hundreds of text talk codes – a simple online search will reveal what any codes you spot actually mean.”

Belfast Live have since published an up-to-date version of the most common abbreviation s.

1. 143 – I love you

2. 2DAY – Today

3. 4EAE – For ever and ever

4. ADN – Any day now

5. AFAIK – As far as I know

6. AFK – Away from keyboard

7. ASL – Age/sex/location

8. ATM – At the moment

9. BFN – Bye for now

10. BOL – Be on later

11. BRB – Be right back

12. BTW – By the way

13. CTN – Can’t talk now

14. DWBH – Don’t worry, be happy

15. F2F or FTF – Face to face

16. FWB – Friends with benefits

17. FYEO – For your eyes only

18. GAL – Get a life

19. GB – Goodbye

20. GLHF – Good luck, have fun

21. GTG– Got to go

22. GYPO – Get your pants off

23. HAK – Hugs and kisses

24. HAND – Have a nice day

25. HTH – Hope this helps / Happy to help

26. HW– Homework

27. IDK – I don’t know

28. IIRC – If I remember correctly

29. IKR– I know, right?

30. ILY / ILU– I love you

31. IM– Instant message

32. IMHO – In my honest opinion / In my humble opinion
33. IMO – In my opinion
34. IRL– In real life
35. IWSN – I want sex now
36. IU2U – It’s up to you
37. IYKWIM – If you know what I mean
38. J/K– Just kidding
39. J4F – Just for fun
40. JIC– Just in case
41. JSYK – Just so you know
42. KFY – Kiss for you
43. KPC – Keeping parents clueless
44. L8– Late
45. LMBO – Laughing my butt off
46. LMIRL – Let’s meet in real life
47. LMK– Let me know
48. LOL – Laugh out loud
49. LSR – Loser
50. MIRL – Meet in real life
51. MOS – Mom over shoulder
52. NAGI– Not a good idea
53. NIFOC– Nude in front of computer
54. NM – Never mind
55. NMU – Not much, you?
56. NP – No problem
57. NTS – Note to self
58. OIC – Oh I see
59. OMG – Oh my God
60. ORLY – Oh, really?
61. OT– Off topic
62. OTP– On the phone
63. P911– Parent alert
64. PAW – Parents are watching
65. PCM– Please call me
66. PIR – Parent in room
67. PLS or PLZ– Please
68. PPL – People
69. POS – Parents over shoulder
70. PTB– Please text back
71. QQ – Crying. This abbreviation produces an emoticon in text. It’s often used sarcastically.
72. RAK – Random act of kindness
73. RL – Real life
74. ROFL – Rolling on the floor laughing
75. RT – Retweet
76. RUOK – Are you okay?
77. SMH – Shaking my head
78. SOS – Someone over shoulder
79. SRSLY – Seriously
80. SSDD – Same stuff, different day
81. SWAK – Sealed with a kiss
82. SWYP – So, what’s your problem?
83. SYS – See you soon
84. TBC – To be continued
85. TDTM– Talk dirty to me
86. TIME – Tears in my eyes
87. WYCM – Will you call me?
88. TMI– Too much information
89. TMRW – Tomorrow
90. TTYL– Talk to you later
91. TY or TU– Thank you
92. VSF – Very sad face
93. WB – Welcome back
94. WTH – What the heck?
95. WTPA – Where the party at?
96. WYCM – Will you call me?
97. YGM – You’ve got mail
98. YOLO – You only live once
99. YW – You’re welcome
100. ZOMG – Oh my God (sarcastic)
101. 182 – I hate you
102. 420 – Marijuana
103. ADR – Address
104. CD9 – Code 9 – it means parents are around
105. ILU – I Love You
106. KOTL – Kiss On The Lips
107. LMIRL – Let’s Meet In Real Life
108. NIFOC – Nude In Front Of The Computer
109. P999 – Parent Alert
110. PAL – Parents Are Listening -or- Peace And Love
111. RU/18 – Are You Over 18?
112. WYRN – What’s Your Real Name?

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