Kids Safety Network

Schoolgirls Sent To Prison For Kidnapping Toddler

In Newcastle, U.K two teenage girls (aged 13 and 14) have been jailed for three years and four months each, for the kidnapping of a 2-year old child from a Primark store.

The teenagers abducted the toddler from the shop in April this year and led her to a park 3 miles away.

They had been playing with the little girl for about 15 minutes and the mother thought the gesture was “sweet” before they lured her away with sweets and Coca Cola.

As the panic-stricken Mother raised alarms, Police searched city-wide across Newcastle after watching footage showing them taking the little girl out of the store.

An hour and a half later, the police found the girl unharmed with the teenage girls in a park where they were known to hang out.

The girls had apparently tried to snatch another black child previously, and also admitted to stealing baby milk and a bottle from another store before the kidnap.

Chilling details of how they had planned the kidnap by researching sexual abuse of black women and children, was heard at a previous hearing.

The girls had reportedly been searching for ‘rape’, ‘poor little thing getting kidnapped and raped’ and ‘African woman sexual activity’ on a tablet.

Prosecutor Lee Poppett said: “There was significant planning involved. There is evidence to support that the young girls in question had been researching rape.

“A tablet contained a number of particular searches for rape, people getting raped, young people getting raped, poor little thing getting kidnapped and raped and African woman sexual activity.”

 A lawyer of the older girl involved claims that they were groomed by an older unnamed male to do the deed, but there was no evidence available to substantiate the claim. They also argued that there was no suggestion they intended anything sinister, despite the vile internet searches.

The toddlers Mother is still frantic after this incident and told the court that she still has nightmares about it.

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