Kids Safety Network

Proposed Illinois Law Will Allow Under 21’s To Drink With A Parent

Legislation is being proposed in Springfield, whereby underage drinking would be allowed with a parent present.

Similar to the law in Wisconsin, it will allow those under the age of 21 to drink with a parent or legal age guardian present.

Republican State Representative Barbara Wheeler is the chief sponsor and Democrat Kelly Burk is the co-sponsor of this new proposal and republican Joe Cichowski of Rockford says he is not against the idea.

“They want to let them have a small glass of wine or a taste of wine, and I don’t think it’s a concept that a lot of parents would have too much concern with.”

If the bill passes, those under 21 would not be allowed to drink with their parents in bars, it can solely take place in restaurants where alcohol is served.

What are your thoughts on this proposal?

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