Kids Safety Network

Poor but Honest Boy Returns Php7k, Receives Full Scholarship with Allowances Up to College Plus a Sure Job after Graduation – Definitely Filipino Buzz

Poor but Honest Boy Returns Php7k, Receives Full Scholarship with Allowances Up to College Plus a Sure Job after Graduation – Definitely Filipino Buzz

With so many thieves and snatchers these days looking for some quick money, it’s hard to find honest people in the streets yet one poor kid proved that poverty is no excuse to get money that isn’t yours – and his honesty would bring him good fortune. Good karma, indeed!

It all started when netizen Dindo Lorenzo shared the story of how he had gone to a McDonald’s outlet in Sta. Maria, Bulacan to buy food for his family at around 1AM. He didn’t notice that the money in his pocket (around Php7,000) fell off when he took his phone out.

He was making his order at McDonald’s Sta Maria when a young boy called him, giving him the wad of cash he dropped. Grateful that the boy returned the money, Lorenzo tried to offer the boy some food but the young lad refused and told him he was not hungry and was only doing the right thing! What a kind, honest lad!

Photo credit: Dindo Lorenzo / Santa Maria, Bulacan (Netizen) – Facebook

Still, Lorenzo wanted to reward the boy for his honesty; thus, he gave him some money which the boy accepted, telling him he’ll give the cash to his mother because they needed the money as his dad could no longer work due to failing eyesight.

Despite not having money, the boy revealed that he was not tempted to run away with the money because he knew it wasn’t his!

Because of his honesty, the boy went viral on social media and was soon identified as Andrey Macabuhay.

Photo credit: Neil Mateo / Santa Maria, Bulacan (Netizen) – Facebook

But his fame didn’t stop at being viral because the administrators of a school were so amazed at his honesty that they offered him full scholarship. Not only is the Immaculate Conception Institutions offering him a full scholarship, the school will also provide him with free financial assistance, including free books, free uniform, and free lunch from junior high up to college!

Photo credit: Neil Mateo / Santa Maria, Bulacan (Netizen) – Facebook

And because they know that honest people are hard to come by, the school also offers the young boy sure employment after college graduation. Isn’t that awesome?

Photo credit: Neil Mateo / Santa Maria, Bulacan (Netizen) – Facebook

For returning the Php7,000, the boy had set himself up for a bright future! It really pays to be honest. Good job, kid, and good luck in life! We know you’ll have a great future ahead of you. Don’t waste it.

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