Kids Safety Network

Police Hand Out Ice-Cream To Promote Safety

Police across the Capital Region are giving children an incentive to stay safe this summer.

The initiative is all part of the Safe Summer Bike Helmet program, a partnership between Sen. Jim Tedisco and local officials.

Gloversville Police Officer Ryan Baker spent last Sunday afternoon pulling over children on bikes, but not to reprimand.

Any child riding a bike without a helmet, police will provide them with a free one.

Police are also dishing out free ice cream coupons to kids practicing safety. Officers will distribute 5,000 of the ice cream coupons to be used at Stewart’s and Friendly’s.

Officer Baker says that this initiative gives children a chance to see the police friendlier, positive environment and he also hopes that if the children are ever in trouble, they won’t hesitate to reach out.

What a lovely initiative!

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