Kids Safety Network

Pit Bull Mixes Attack Two Atlanta Children, Leaving One Dead

A Georgia man has been jailed after his unleashed dogs attacked two young children as they walked to their bus stop in Atlanta.

Six-year-old Logan Braatz was killed and five-year-old Syrai Sanders was critically injured, reported CBS news.

Logan’s body was discovered shortly after he left the house for school by his Mother Angelica Braatz.

“We heard the screaming from the house and everybody came running. I saw the one child laying on the ground and then everybody still trying to find the other kids,” Braatz said.  

Neighbors found Syrai Sanders badly injured and unresponsive.

“I ran to the baby and said — I looked down at her to see what I could do for and when I looked at her, I knew that it was nothing I could do,” said neighbor Angie Smith.

Sanders was rushed to a nearby hospital where she remains in critical condition.

One of the neighbors said that the dogs were still chasing people after the attack. Police quickly responded, shooting and injuring one of the two dogs involved in the attack.

“Some brave kids. Some kids ran back to the scene to try to pull the dogs off the children that was injured,” said Sgt. Warren Pickard of the Atlanta Police Department.

The owner of the dogs, Cameron Tucker, was arrested by Police and charged with two counts of reckless endangerment.

The two pit bull mixes are in the custody of animal control and investigators are trying to determine if a third dog was involved in the attacks.

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