Kids Safety Network

Pedophile Larry Nassar Attacked In Court After The Judge Refuses Father’s One Request

A father whose 3 daughters were sexually assaulted by Larry Nassar tried to attack the pedophile doctor in a courtroom on Friday.

Randall Margraves stood at the podium as 2 of his daughters read their victim impact statements i, and when the girls were done asked Judge Janice Cunningham if he could have 5 minutes alone in a room with ‘this demon.’

When she denied that request he then asked for a minute alone with the convicted child molester, which was also denied by the judge.

The angry father then lunged toward the defense table and raised a fist before being brought to the ground and handcuffed by deputies.

Nassar’s defense attorney then shielded him from the angry father, who appeared to be almost twice the size of former USA Gymnastics team doctor.

Give me one minute with that bastard,’ said Margraves as he was pinned to the ground.

‘I want that son of a b****.’

Madison and Lauren both spoke about how their family was struggling to cope in the wake of their assaults.

Lauren, who was 13 when Nassar molested her, said that it had been particularly difficult for their parents: ‘I see the look on their faces and I know they want to do something and they can’t.’

Madison spoke about the past few months and referred to it as ‘hell,’ with tears running down her face.

Their sister Morgan Margraves previously delivered a victim impact statement in Ingham County Court for Nassar’s previous sentencing, which was read in court by a member of the attorney general’s office.

Margraves could then be seen getting very angry during their readings, and will parents of previous victims had been seen burying their faces or looking to the sky, Margraves kept his gaze fixed on Nassar.

Hethen asked if he could give a brief statement.

Assistant Attorney General Angela Povilaitis disavowed Margraves’ actions, saying: ‘You cannot behave like this. This is letting him have his power over us.’

Margraves, who was taken out by four officers, fired back: ‘You haven’t lived through it, lady.’

The victims however did not suffer anymore because of the outburst, which could have threatened statements being read in court moving forward.

Judge Cunningham made a calming call for peace in her courtroom after a brief recess.

‘Obviously what just occurred in the courtroom was scary and caused a level of discomfort for all of you, and I’m sorry that happened,’ said Judge Cunningham.

‘My heart started beating fast and my legs felt shaky  after that quick eruption of violence.’ 

She then did her best to not villainize Margraves while still making it clear his actions were unacceptable. 

‘I recognize that Mr. Margraves has three daughters that he had to watch go through this pain and hurt,’ she went on to say.

‘If it is hard and difficult for me to hear what his daughters had to say, I can’t imagine what it is like for him.’

She ended her remarks with a call for law and order.

What Mr. Nassar did was horrible. It’s unthinkable. But please let the criminal justice system do what it’s supposed to do,‘ said Judge Cunningham.

Margraves meanwhile is still being detained at the courthouse, with an investigation underway to see if charges will be brought against him.

Sixty-five women are scheduled to speak over the course of three days in Eaton County Court, where Nassar is being sentenced after entering a guilty plea on three charges of criminal sex abuse, with each carrying a minimum sentence of 25 years in prison.

This was day two.

Nassar was sentenced to 175 years in prison just last Wednesday after a highly emotional seven-day sentencing hearing in a Michigan courtroom

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