Kids Safety Network

Parents Of 9-Month-Old Twins Arrested For Child Abuse

In Owasso, Okla, the parents of 9-month-old twins were arrested.

This happened after the couple brought their babies to an urgent care facility extremely malnourished and suffering from bedsores along with other injuries.

Kevin Fowler and Aislyn Miller were arrested and charged with child neglect after urgent care workers called the police.

Police Officers say it’s one of the worst cases of child neglect they’ve ever seen.

Police were told by one of the nurses that one of the children “looked like a skeleton” and even reported seeing a maggot crawling on the baby, who had suffered from severe bed sores and diaper rash.  

The other infant had an infected wound on her finger. Doctors believe that this was caused by long-term exposure to a piece of hair was wrapped around her finger.

After the case was reported, Police went to the couple’s home where they found 2 other older children described who were said to be in a “better condition.”

The house was in pretty bad shape, though.

A lot of clutter and animal faeces and things like that inside the house, a Police Officer said.

The parents also told the Police that the twins hadn’t been to a doctor since they were born, as they don’t have any insurance.

The children are now in protective custody.

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