Kids Safety Network

Pack Of Dogs Protects Toddler Found In California Park

Toddler Found Wearing Just A Dirty Diaper, Surrounded By 7 Dogs

In Victorville, California, a toddler was found nearly naked in a California park in pouring rain. The toddler was reportedly protected by a pack of dogs.

The 2-year-old was found by a Victorville police sergeant who was called to Brentwood Park found in the rain.

The toddler was wearing just a dirty diaper and was surrounded by seven dogs.

Police officials say that the dogs seemed very protective of the boy.

After the boy was scooped up, authorities searched and found his home just around the corner from the park.

The door was open and the boy’s mother was sleeping inside.

The Mother apparently did not even know the toddler had left the house.

The 26-year-old Mother was then arrested on suspicion of child cruelty.

After the arrest, the boy and 2 other young children were released to their father’s custody.

During the investigation, police say that a dog tried to bite the sergeant and was shot in the process, but is recovering.

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