Kids Safety Network

The Deadly Reason Caregivers Should Never Leave Children In Cars, Even For A Few Minutes

Leaving a sleeping baby or young child inside a car for just a few minutes to run into a store may seem harmless. But this split-second decision can have deadly consequences.

Heatstroke is the leading cause of non-crash, vehicle-related deaths for children, according to, On average, one child dies from heat stroke in a vehicle every eight days.

Even on a mild-weathered day — say, 70 degrees — the temperature inside of a parked car can reach dangerous levels. In merely 10 minutes, it can rise to 89 degrees. After 20 minutes, the temperature can reach 99 degrees; after 30 minutes, 104 degrees; after 60 minutes, 113 degrees and after two hours, the temperature inside a car can reach a staggering 120 degrees. This scary progression is based on research by Jan Null, who is with the department of earth and climate sciences at San Francisco State University.

Even keeping windows slightly cracked open made little difference in the dangerously rising temperatures.

Add this to the fact that a child’s small body heats up three-to-five times more quickly than an adult’s would in the same condition. This is because a child’s internal cooling system, sweating, is not nearly as effective. Organs start shutting down when the body temperature of a child reaches 104 degrees, and heatstroke happens when it approaches 107 degrees, according to

Tragically, many of these hot car-related deaths are a result of caregivers forgetting a sleeping child because of some change in routine. It’s not something they would have ever dreamed happening to them. But one simple mistake — turning right to go to work instead of left to drop a baby off at daycare — can changes the lives of a family forever.

So what can parents do to make sure such a tragic mistake never happens to them? Here are a few tips that can help caregivers avoid forgetting a young child inside of a hot car:

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