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Newlywed Pictured Breastfeeding On Wedding Day Is Getting Praise

A newlywed Mom has won praise after being photographed breastfeeding her baby while she was getting married.

Danielly Katsue, 24, from Cuiabá, Brazil, looked like the most beautiful bride as she fed three-month-old baby Kauã while exchanging her vows with husband Kale Rios, 26.

Photographer Monica Carvalho, who captured the tender moment, decided to share the wedding pictures on Instagram, which she says show how women can breastfeed their babies ‘no matter the time, or place’.

Social media users were quick to react, with many saying they had been moved by the ‘beautiful’ pictures.

Speaking to FEMAIL, Monica described how she was initially worried about sharing the pictures online as she wasn’t sure what reaction they’d get.

‘I was scared at first but I was pretty sure people would find it as beautiful as I did’, she said.

Fortunately, the majority of people loved the images. Many said they were moved by the images, which is enough to know that I did a beautiful job.’

She said that the photographs show that women should feel confident breastfeeding their babies, no matter the time, place, or who’s looking.

The photographs of Danielly breastfeeding during her wedding have certainly received an enormous response, with many taking to social media to praise the pictures.

One wrote: ‘I thought it was beautiful for this mother to do that. Wonderful photo. Congratulations.’

Another commented ‘This bride is perfection’, while one added: ‘What a beautiful picture! So much love in one photo.’

However, not all the response has been positive – with some accusing the bride of breastfeeding to ‘get attention’ and others suggesting it was ‘inappropriate’. 

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