Kids Safety Network

Newborn baby girl found abandoned in thorny bushes in Gujarat; umbilical chord was still on!

Newborn baby girl found abandoned in thorny bushes in Gujarat; umbilical chord was still on!

A mother’s love for her children knows no bounds but how could this mother turn so coldhearted that she abandoned her newborn amidst thorny bushes?

The incident happened in Una, Gujarat where a mother left her newborn girl to die. A passerby rescued the child when he heard cries coming from the bushes. He found the distressed baby with scratches all over her body according to Daily Mail. He called an ambulance immediately and took her to the hospital.

According to the doctors, the baby wouldn’t have made it alive if the passerby didn’t find her. Thorns were stuck to her tender skin which the medical staff had to pull out carefully before cleaning her up.

It is being alleged that the mother abandoned the baby upon finding out it was a girl child. The police are currently on the lookout for the parents.

India ranks as one of the top countries in terms of female infanticide and has lost millions of newborn girls to this practice. Female infanticide is a punishable offence and the centre has taken measures to curb it. Despite that, there is no substantial decline in the number of such cases.

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