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New York Judge Orders Mother Of 4 Not To Get Pregnant Again

A New York judge is in the spotlight after she ordered a former prostitute and mother of 4 not to get pregnant. She warned the Mother not to get pregnant again until she could regain custody of her baby son, who was born while she was addicted to drugs.

The baby was taken away from her care because of neglect.

The Family Court Judge Patricia Gallaher said that the order is meant to benefit the mother by increasing her chances of rehabilitation and getting her son back. The judge says that another baby will decrease her chances of success to do so. She also believes that more orders like this should be made, in order to make a change in societal patterns.

“Society and its problems are changing, especially with the incredible rise in the use of heroin, and this court needs to adjust in response instead of doing the same tired routine which does not solve the obvious problems in so many cases.”

The order also indicated that the woman’s baby was born prematurely, “and exhibited signs of withdrawal almost immediately after his birth.” The Mom of 4 admitted to using drugs which include crack cocaine, methadone and alcohol during her pregnancy.

All 4 of the woman’s kids are being raised by other people. Two of her previous children were also born addicted to drugs and were taken away from her.

Her 16-year-old son was taken from her care after having access to a hypodermic needle and has been living with his maternal grandmother since 2007.

The judge also ordered the Department of Human Services to cover the Mothers birth control expenses and she says that this case is “exactly the kind of case where the respondent neglectful mother should be using birth control.”

The order has sparked a lot of outrage as many believe it violates human rights. The New York Civil Liberties Union may be getting involved in the case and will assist with an appeal.

Director of the Genesee Valley chapter of the NYCLU KaeLyn Rich, criticised the judge for overreaching boundaries.

“When it comes to interpreting here, we don’t want to set a precedent that the court has the authority to tell a woman not to get pregnant or a man not to procreate.”

The judge says her ruling is no different than ordering parenting classes or rehabilitation.

“Having no more pregnancies should be ordered like the drug treatment, mental health treatment and parenting classes provisions which are boilerplate now.”


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