Kids Safety Network

New Baby Cafés Are A Dream Come True For Breastfeeding Moms

One thing that can really help a new Mom get through those first few months with their new baby, is the support of other moms who are going through the same thing.

A Baby Café in Buffalo, Minnesota has just opened up with this very goal in mind.

Wright County Public Health together with Allina Hospital, created this safe environment to allow moms to get the information and support they need – during all the different stages of breastfeeding.

There’s even support for moms who are not necessarily having issues with feeding. All new moms are still encouraged to participate and talk through their experiences. Pregnant women are also welcome to attend, as they will be able to learn more about breastfeeding and ask any questions they might have about the process.

The best part of all – this support space is free with no pre-registration requirements.

“Just come as you are,” that’s what their website says. Refreshments and snacks are also available as well as a scale to weigh your baby and breastfeeding pamphlets to take home.

Trained healthcare professionals are also on stand-by.

The goal of Baby Café is to support breastfeeding moms in whatever their goals are,” says Megan Ward, a lactation consultant, and public health nurse.

There are in fact Baby Cafés in 5 other cities in the U.S hosting these weekly meet-ups.

What a great initiative!




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